I'm From >Part 2< | Teen Ink

I'm From >Part 2<

April 29, 2010
By ODBear SILVER, New London, Connecticut
ODBear SILVER, New London, Connecticut
6 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Why So Serious.? -The Joker-<br /> Being born is like being kidnapped. And then sold into slavery. -W. Shakespeare-

I’m From
>Part 2<

I’m from the Colors of the wind,
Trying to make the world more colorful.
From Loves and Hates,
That’s how the World Communicates.

I’m from Locks and Chains,
Not allowed to have a Chance.
From Heaven to Hell,
That’s how My World runs Well.

From the feeling of forgiveness
To the feelings of Anger and Sorrow.
Hating my way of living,
Loving the ways of living of my friends.

The author's comments:
Its about how I feel about life...

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