What is This Place That I'm In? | Teen Ink

What is This Place That I'm In?

October 11, 2007
By Anonymous

What is this place that I'm in?
The shelter that my dreams provide vanishes.
I'm in the real world now,
No longer do the things that seem unreal true,
No longer can I fly.

What is this place that I'm in now?
Why doesn't the pavement fall in?
Why do the dogs not jump so impossibly high?
Why do the dolls not come alive?

Is this place an unimaginative doom?
A procreated tomb?
I do not like it.
It isn't fair.
Where are my dreams in my time of despair?

What is this place that I'm in?
The shelter that my dreams provide vanishes.
I'm in the real world now.
No longer do the things that seem unreal true.
No longer can I fly.

I do not live here.
There are too many monsters,
Scarier than the ones in my dreams.
I don't live in the real world,
I live in dreams.
Don't make me face reality,
because in the end it will be my fatality.

What is this place that I'm in?
It is the black hole of common,
the hell that isn't in my dreams.

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