Always Arriving and Constantly Departing | Teen Ink

Always Arriving and Constantly Departing

October 3, 2007
By Anonymous

Some where down the line,
I got picked up by the wind,
He’s a man that drives a truck
and he asked me where I’m heading.
I gave him a lame look and mumbled,
He grumbled,
“Just tell me where to drop you off you nutcase,
and if your fresh with me again ill pop you one.”
“Somewhere between a and b”,
I stuck to it.
He told me how it goes,
I asked him how so
“Well, we all got a place to be son…”
He rambled on
I lost interest and interrupted,
“Just follow the road Joe,
he knows where to go.
The idea is to be constantly departing,
while always arriving.”
I smirked.
He stared.
He glared.
He puckered up for the punch,
turning sour in the face.
Hit me in the gut.
I flew out the truck.

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