I Will Never Announce Defeat | Teen Ink

I Will Never Announce Defeat

April 13, 2010
By LOST_LOV3_12 SILVER, North Zulch, Texas
LOST_LOV3_12 SILVER, North Zulch, Texas
7 articles 1 photo 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't let the world get to you. if you do, you're in for a world of pain and despair."

This pain I’ve endured all my life
It’s made me cold as ice inside
With leather I was beat
I walk around ashamed of my past so I look at my feet
But from my lips I will never announce defeat

You tried to break me, but you just made me strong
You tried to lie, and you did me wrong
With the fists of a boy I’ve been beat
Then, to hide the bruises, I walked around looking at my feet
But from my lips I will never announce defeat

I’ve been in love just to have him taken away
I still don’t know why they killed him that way
By gangsters I’ve been jumped and beat
To hide the pain in my eyes I’d stare at my feet
But from my lips I will never announce defeat

I used to walk around looking at the ground below me
I didn’t want to face what was going on all above me
But now I hold my head up high
When I need reassurance I look to the skies
Yes I’ve been beat
Yeah I used to stare at my feet
But from my lips I never have and never will announce defeat

The author's comments:
i wrote this poem for my english class in my freshman year when we were going over poetry. it's completely true and about my life.


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