Mercedes. | Teen Ink


April 7, 2010
By Rolly.. SILVER, Mercedes, Texas
Rolly.. SILVER, Mercedes, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Where im from...
Im from down South.
Not to far from the Gulf,
Not to far from the border,
A stop sign at every corner,
A school around every block.

Where im from...
There's A corn field a mile away.
There's a kid playing out in the street.
There's people going to work each day.
There's a kid not listening in class,
Trying to be a pain in the...butt.

Where im from...
There's A kid shooting hoops.
A kid throwing a pass,
Another making a goal,
Or making the out at home plate,
and winning the big game.

Where im from...
Almost everyone is cooking out.
Everyone is watching Monday night football,
Everyone loves to watch,
But everyone is to lazy to play.
Im Rolly and this is where im from.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by things around me to write this poem.

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