I Became the Best | Teen Ink

I Became the Best

May 18, 2008
By Amanda Paige PLATINUM, Kissimmee, Florida
Amanda Paige PLATINUM, Kissimmee, Florida
22 articles 1 photo 5 comments

My weeks are running away, my moments only flashes,
my heart beats but its strength is weak.
Today, Tomorrow, Tonight I don't care about being right.
My soul needs a break for my own sanity's sake.
These days linger, I can't remember when the sun set,
yet before I've blinked another day has drifter, and another
chance no longer surviving.

My words are part of a bigger plan, once you read them
you'll know who I was, What I was.
For now this day is at its setting light and I have yet
another door to try with all my might.

My words are power, I convince you everyday,
yet I'm a liar, you never suspect on any day.
With this pen I write my destiny,
With these words I show you my un fabricated past...
Read and learn I paved the way. Listen closely and you'll believe.

My words are jumbled as they roll of my tongue,
So I'll write it.
I sat alone for days in my head hoping I wasn't dead,
'cause I really wanna see myself other than the places
I've been set to stay.

They can't convince what they can't see, or save what
they never wanted.

My words are power, I convince you everyday,
yet I'm a liar, you never suspect on any given day.
With this pen I write my destiny, with these words
I shut the basement door on my un fabricated past.

I'm gonna stand up and look out at this world and confirm
that I fought hard.
I'm different, I'm not a clone, I'm tame
but I'm still a liar,
so I guess that's unchanged and still the same.

I learned from the best.
So easy to convince, so easy to deceive, you
might say its wrong, some call it survival others call it fun.
I say it's who I had to be, it's who I had to see.
So I became the best...

My words are power, I convince you everyday,
yet I'm a liar, you never suspect on any day.
Read and learned I paved the way.
Listen and watch I've made it today.


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