Love; Is all we want. | Teen Ink

Love; Is all we want.

March 16, 2010
By Michal BRONZE, St. John, Washington
Michal BRONZE, St. John, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"music is the only thing that makes sense anymore.. . you know if you play loud enough; it keeps the demons out."

I tried to tell you
tried to make you see
you are so naive.
But it's okay, I understand
because I was too.
I thought I knew you.
Thought I could trust.
But I was wrong.
It's okay, I'll be fine.
I won't let you get to me.
because that's just what you want.
I'm so tired of you.
I hope you are happy with what you've done.

Just go on ahead and have a seat,
you're asking for hell; let me tell you what it's like.
because I know, I've seen it all before.
I hope you understand consequences.
because this is life or death;
He hides behind his insecurities.
He pulls you in; makes you think he needs you.
His eyes are all to much to deny;
I know, I've seen them a thousand times.
He'll tell you he loves you all too soon.
He'll wait till you love him too.
Then you'll see.
He'll control you,
He'll abuse you.
He'll obsess over you.
He'll make you feel better off dead.
Then he'll say he's sorry and pull you back in.
It's okay, I understand.
He'll tell you "forever" then take it all back.
His mood will never stay the same.
Careful, cover your heart.
He'll steal it right out of your hands.
It's what he wants.
to possess you; to control you.
get ready; because this one hurts.
you'll try to get away.
but it won't matter what you say.
He'll manipulate you;
His mood is now lethal.
You know you should run;
but still you stay.
You'll try to protect his empty threats;
Take him back in again.
Careful, cover your heart.
He'll steal it right out of your hands.
It'll all happen, over again.
He'll harass you.
He'll make you feel empty.
You are worthless without him;
That's what you'll think.
Guard your heart.
I know, it's okay.
I was naive once.
I didn't listen because I didn't care.
You deserve no better;
That is what you'll think.
You will learn.
I hope it hurts when you're world comes crashing down.
I hope it burns when you realize the one you thought you knew, turns on you.
I hope it tears at you when you see I was right all along.
I hope the agony eats you up inside when the bruises start to set in.
I hope you are terrified when you see his crying face.
I hope the pain is excruciating when he plays his games.
I hope you get lost, can't find you're way out.
I hope you beg for mercy when he rips out your heart;
takes it for his own.
Maybe then; You'll know.
This is what happens; when you delight in the devil.

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