Long Lasting Love | Teen Ink

Long Lasting Love

February 12, 2010
By manda_the_random_poet PLATINUM, Elfrida, Arizona
manda_the_random_poet PLATINUM, Elfrida, Arizona
40 articles 0 photos 7 comments

He sits silently,
in his seat in the postern.
He makes her laugh,
even though he is stern.

She waits there staring,
wishing he was hers.
She cries silently,
from the pain she endures.

They see each other,
but only as friends.
They don’t take it further,
knowing it’s a dead end.

She ponders what if,
but doesn’t ask.
Unbelievable pain passes through her,
but she wears a mask.

She acts peculiar around him,
trying not to be too obvious.
Watching with indecisive behavior,
how could he be so oblivious.

A passion in her eyes,
shows so brightly.
She is in disregard,
and clenches her mouth tightly.

A dreamy smile covers his face,
in a nonresistant way.
She has an urge to kiss him,
so powerful she just may.

Wishing he would accept her,
she asks her chums.
They try to help,
but end up smacking their gums.

The time has come,
for them to part.
She watches him leave,
taking her heart.


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