Life On Video | Teen Ink

Life On Video MAG

By Anonymous

   When you'd like it fast, it goes extra slow.

When you want it slow, it well, don't you know.

All the B.S. in the text.

All the buses

And everyone's fusses.

Don't you wish life had a fast forward button.

When the coffee's too hot.

And your love life's not.

Or when your home is too cold.

Or with a winning you have to fold.

Don't you wish life had a rewind button.

So memories could be retold.

And the past loved ones you could hold.

Or your happier times when you feel blue.

Or your youthful life when your gut didn't feel like glue.

Don't you wish life had a pause button.

So you could catch your breath.

Or so you could try to cheat death.

Or so you could make the right choice.

Or speak up with a confident voice.

Don't you wish life had all those buttons.

So it could be soft and easy, like my best

friend's, girlfriend's, cousin's kitty ,Wezee.

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