Gaurdian | Teen Ink


August 28, 2009
By Anonymous

jesus has sent his angel
to watch over me
everywhere i go
thats where he will be
this angel is my shield
who protects me from death
and keeps me away
from having my last breath
he leads me to the church
and says to pray all day
with all my strength
i say what i have to say
he has me sing the word of god
till i have no mor breath to sing
and teaches me the way of life
to one last little thing
i will not remember
the angel who saved my life
because he said
you will have a wife

The author's comments:
alot of people say that there is a gaurdian angel watching over us and some say that they have seen them and that they come down and speak of the news that our god in heaven is watching us and loves us very much


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