Coffee House Love | Teen Ink

Coffee House Love MAG

By Anonymous

   Pink Formica table tops

covered in scattered silverware

the lights grow dimmer and the coffee grows thicker

I look out the window through a hazy cloud of cigarette smoke

In through the door you came floating like a ghost

And the trees shook in the wind, they mimicked my hands and laughed

So nervous was I, and you were so at ease

We sat and talked and the hours passed

The coffee house offered us views to many a new face

Why did we ever leave that sacred place

The wind was cold and it chilled our bones

and the rain spattered on the windshield of my soul

My hair plastered your shirt soaked

was it all just a big disgusting joke?

The rain was wet and so were you

But the coffee house was warm and dry

If we leave again our love will surely die

it was a warm day Easter Sunday to be exact

and the coffee was good, you had it black

with a tiny bit of sugar to make it a little less bitter

but other than that I fell in over a cup of coffee with you

And you bared your naked soul told me all that you wanted me to know

Sitting at the coffee house, on the outdoor patio

And it offered me a chance to love you I'll never leave this place

again will you?

We left the seats in the warmth of the sun and sought refuge on the

streets of the city

The sky was warm and the day was pretty

But when you said good-bye, I thought I'd die

But when you touched me I fell again, and we shouldn't have left out

sacred ground

then your good-bye wouldn't have been so stable and sound

in the coffee house where we fell in love, and where I'll stay if god

above is willing

This is my love song for you, it's old and it's sad and it's mostly


this is my coffee house love song for you

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