Goddess | Teen Ink

Goddess MAG

By Anonymous

   inside me there's

one goddess

i imagine

with skin that sweats

the taste of honey and

lover's breath

stringy hair blowing

like sand in wind

goddess of pain and of

heat and of love

she never cries

water, only inside

weeps soft like lost willows

at night

her blue veins bleed stars like juice

whenever in pain

she is happiest when she's

no longer invisible

her spirit's more precious than

ten million jewels who sleep

deep in the sea

or a trillion fountains filled

with wish stones

her soul is more beautiful

than silver,

beneath beach music light

and sugared gumdrops in the sun

she's a goddess of strength (my strength)

goddess of poetry (my poetry)

goddess of beauty (my beauty)

my wisdom, wishes, tears and love



goddess of life which is mine

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