Crossing | Teen Ink

Crossing MAG

By Anonymous

   I stand at the bank of the river

Aghast at the sight upon me
Thelandscape stretching infinitely
A landscape deprived of grass, plant life ortrees

The river now at which I stand
Does not flow or follow apath
This river now at which I stand
Is often followed by another'swrath

I stand amidst the barren nothingness
When two choices cross mymind
I can turn back to the world I know
Or swim across and leave the pastbehind

With a single spring forward
I dive with a swan'sgrace
Adamantly displacing the water
I reach to see her white veiledface

On the other side a man asks me to repeat
And I do
Her gazingeyes and longing lips say everything
And I whisper back "I love youtoo"

With the ceremony concluded
By the preacher's closingphrase
I peer awestruck into her eyes
In a sort of euphoric daze

Ithought of the years ahead
Children, security, her at my side withdawn
Striding toward the destined future
I realized I crossed to the rightside of the Rubicon

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