Don't Be Ashamed | Teen Ink

Don't Be Ashamed

June 13, 2024
By Ayra-Zainab SILVER, Meerut, Other
Ayra-Zainab SILVER, Meerut, Other
9 articles 13 photos 0 comments

Don't be ashamed if you are skinny or fat,
Everyone is built like that.
Don't be ashamed if you are shy,
We won't ask you to try.

Don't be sad if things didn't go your way,
There is always another day.
Don't be sad if you didn't win,
Continue your day with a grin.

It's ok if you can't do a task,
For help you can always ask.
It's ok if you aren't same,
It's not yourself to blame.

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This article has 1 comment.

Asim_1969 said...
on Jul. 2 at 11:52 am
Asim_1969, Meerut, Other
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
This is what I call awesome