To Be or Not to Be | Teen Ink

To Be or Not to Be

June 12, 2024
By MHH2025 BRONZE, Middle River, Maryland
MHH2025 BRONZE, Middle River, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mother paints in a chair opposite me, what is She drawing? 
is it me as a Soldier? 
it probably is — every mother wants a Soldier 
i imagine one hand at my side, the other saluting  
they're not both resting on my head, as they are presently 
how does She feel about having Her kid in medical school? 
i mean, intensive training isn’t easy 
sometimes i wonder if it bothers Mother that i'm not in Vietnam 
maybe i could train to be a Combat Medic 
now that’s the painting — me wearing a green helmet — big red cross on it 
saving lives is preferable to taking them, right? 
what would Mother see me as? 
am i meant to be a Soldier? 
am i meant to be a Medic? 
perhaps i’m meant to be both 
Mother smiles, turning her painting over to me 
painted is me — in a white shirt and khakis — deep in thought, 
both hands resting on my head 
She sees Me as I am.  

The author's comments:

Inspired by Alice Neel's, Hartley (1966)

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