Power | Teen Ink


June 7, 2024
By Anonymous

The non-discrete discrimination 

Towards the citizens they sworn to protect

 “On the ground!“ they Roar

 with a single cry 

So simple its cliche 

 lives are changed, 

Only for the worst though 

it would seem 

What appears to be 

a painless demand

causes more suffering

 than the crime committed

From the brainwashed minds 

Of the man in blue  



The method of Justice turned


from the ear piercing scream

Mixed with the illumination of 

Red and blue that touches 

The gold medallion 

 earned through oath 

turns into 

a drug called Power 

which they abused for a high 

that lets deep rooted hatred

 Cloud their judgment 

A high that 

Affects the eyes

As it conveys a beast

Rapidly snarling 

Fur as poofy cotton fluff

Yet darker than crow feathers

With its exposed skin 

A tone only to be compared 

To the likes of 

Peanut butter.

But in reality 

Is a boy

Who’s pupil are dilate

Heart beating drums of righteousness 

From the cell placed over him

From the birth of the ones 

Before him 

Before a man named 


Took them away from the 

Crowns and jewels that was

The royalty of their homeland

He moves

A slight twitch in his arms


His reflexes jump 

Sensing immediate danger

But the man off power 

Sees the beast charge

An attack that destroys 

The body and mind

One that fuels a burning rage

That has been within from birth


The decedent of power that 

Mixes creating a source of energy

That is enough to cause the same hurt 

Through the embodiment of the drugs abuser


A sound only to be described by that of 

A firework that fills the sky 

With sparks 

But instead fills it with angels

As a soul hand crafted for greatness

Is destroyed yet again by the hatred of power


as a simple stroll 

turns deadly at the

 man with the skin of Kings

 becomes a pawn 

to a crooked system 

 a flawed system a rigged system

 our system

 the one we allow

 to destroy us

 from within. 

The system helped created 

By the people they destroy

As with every cry 

Suppressed by media

And every public outrage

And walk and shout 

That combats power 

Runs dry as its faucet 

Loses maintenance 

Allowing power 

To gain control once more

Allows its cycle run its course 

once more

The author's comments:

this poem is a piece about the ways that abuse of power and corruption has massacred our society and how much of it has been let slide 

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