What You've Given Me | Teen Ink

What You've Given Me

July 10, 2009
By EhMuhLee PLATINUM, St. Peters, Missouri
EhMuhLee PLATINUM, St. Peters, Missouri
26 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;In this life you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.&quot; John 16:33<br /> <br /> &quot;Depression is like being a bird with broken wings.&quot; Me

You gave me my first real kiss
You gave me a necklace with a heart, and a place for a key.
I thought you were my key
You gave me a reason to trust guys again...
And a reason not to
You gave me your hoodie
That I slept in every night
Because I loved how it smelled like you
Good thing I gave it back to you
Cuz I would've burned it given the chance
You gave me a reason to cry
And to be mad
And sad
And hate you for making me happy
You've given me
A sense of self
The confidence
To walk down the halls of school alone
With friends,
Not a boyfriend
You've given me
Some independence
Yeah you probably didn't mean to
But you did
You gave me a reason
To go out with friends more
You taught me
That it takes the strong
To ask for help
Because you didn't
Reach out
But not far enough to touch someone
You gave me a reason
For yesterday
But you aren't my reason for tomorrow
You see,
I'm going to find someone else
Who will give me
What you couldn't
I'm going to find someone
Who won't question
The fact that I always have a question
And a story
And I see the world with optimistic eyes
I'm going to find someone
Who will make me smile
As much as you did
Someone unlike you
I'm going to find
My trusted person
My tomorrow


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