Day in the life in Palm Springs | Teen Ink

Day in the life in Palm Springs

May 30, 2024
By Anonymous

Mountains, Golfing, Sun. Three things that make up most of Palm Springs California. 

I’ve alway enjoyed traveling, it's what cures my worries and doubts in life. I fell in love with palm springs as soon as I touched down, the beautiful mountains in the back of everything and the blazing sun, but it's not too hot, it's the perfect sun to tan in and still enjoy yourself. The beautiful brisk air that blows in my face, I love it so much. 

As I lay by the pool in a comfy chair for tanning, it is 75 Degrees and there is no cloud in sight, the UV is at eight. 30 Minutes go by and I am dripping sweat, I can feel my sweatstache arousing. As diped into the pool the water drowns me with its refreshing, cooling water. Changing my body temperature about ten degrees cooler. I did that rotation about ten more times. 

5:00pm rolls around and the sun is setting, we have to get ready to go to our steak dinner that we have reservations for. As we get back to our hotel rooms we start to get ready, with our sun kissed skin and our rosey cheeks, we put on a nice outfit and go to dinner. The dinner was fabulous. It was what you needed after a long time in the sun. As someone who is a novice to being from california, I didn’t relaize that the time here is a little slower then back at home. It's nice because there is more sunlight. As someone who abhors winter weather I love that the sun stays out so much later than back at home. If the sun is out later in the day then I am going to be a much happier person. 

As we come back to the resort we see that there are little boutiques there, so my friend and I walk into the store and we make the decision to arbitrarily buy them because they were so cute and we wanted something to remember palm springs. Three words that could make my palm springs trip would be tanning, bracelets, relaxation.

The author's comments:

This is a piece about my lovely trip to palm springs 

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