The Beauty in Life | Teen Ink

The Beauty in Life

May 2, 2024
By Tanzina BRONZE, Nyc, New York
Tanzina BRONZE, Nyc, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How beautiful is life?

That is a question I do not possess the answer to, for I do not have love in humanity or peace in my heart. I was lost and I still am, but at least on the path paved for me. On my journey to find the answer to this question, I stumbled upon those who truly are religious.

In religion, prayers are happening in congregation and everyone is greeting each other even if they are complete strangers. There is a community and everyone respects everyone simply because they too are a child of Adam. I slightly smiled but then my face fell. Do you see the religious folk? You find them smiling, for smiling was a habit of the beloved Prophet. They talk sweetly, with no harsh language no matter the situation. Their face is bright with God's light bestowed upon them. They have a delicate behavior and are patient. They found love in humanity and peace within themselves. The people surrounding them know of their faith and their character. They found what I crave.

  Honestly, my heart may be just rotten. No matter what I do, how much I imitate those who seem happy, it brings me no joy. But if this piece of flesh is good, it would've guided me to what will make it happy. It led me to these religious people who seem full of love.. But how can I love when hate is what prevails? Every good action receives no attention while every bad action goes viral. Despite craving people's attention, this hate will not fulfill my heart's desire.

        Abandoning my religion will not make this world my happy place, for it is the world that hurt me; Not my faith. My religion is my way to enjoy life and find what I desire.  I do not need to seek to please others for happiness. If I’m not meant to fit in with them, I’ll stand out, for that is what is good for me. It doesn’t rob my faith and my heart. I will be myself, just as I am, truly me. I’ll be who I love to be for that is how God created me to be.

The author's comments:

Religion is indeed every man's journey. It cannot be passed down through generations. Despite being born Muslim and raised in the Muslim tradition, Islam only recently found its way into my heart. 

I am now unapologetically Muslim and even adorn the Muslim headscarf, a hijab. My faith kept me strong through all these years and I truly found happiness. I no longer care if I'm standing out due to my religious morality or outlook. 

I hope this inspires people to not see religion as just a set of rules and a holiday. Instead, I hope this inspires people to appreciate the community and keep an open mind towards religion and religious people. I also hope this inspires people to just not care about fitting in if it hurts what their heart truly desires for them. Everyone knows themselves the best, so if what is the general style doesn't upset your goals for yourself, then go for it! It is the same for the opposite situation. Don't follow anyone but yourself. If you see something that you know will improve you as a person, then adopt that thing but nothing else. You are your own person and you should love yourself as who you are, not having to change into what pleases society. 

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