Wonderland | Teen Ink


April 30, 2024
By The_EnbyGhost BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
The_EnbyGhost BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What doesn't kill you, f*cks you up

I fall to my knees

The scene before me

Slashes across their bodies

Another child falls

Dread in my eyes as I watch the killer run away

Rage, furious, seething as I walk up to my children’s bodies

Engulfing them into my arms sobbing

Agony, woeful, miserable as I am now. alone.

My eyes shot open, it was a dream, or was it

Only me, myself, and I were home

Remembering that horrid dream

While walking towards the door counting every step 

As I walk out the door and breathe in the fresh air

Suddenly I felt two small arms engulfing my legs

I cry out in relief 

They were safe, it was just a dream

The author's comments:


By Dexter S.

Written about Christina’s World, by Andrew Wyeth (USA) 1948

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