A People's Secret Treasure | Teen Ink

A People's Secret Treasure

April 30, 2024
By Ldongarra SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Ldongarra SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Behold–the golden octopus frontlet,

a mystery crafted by the ancients.

The jubilant jewels of chrysocolla

clench the viewers attention with its eerie color.

The golden frontlet–delicately crafted

by ancients who sought magical powers.

It’s glistening, gold glamor seeks to draw

your attention to its lustrous design.

Ferocious teeth growl as if it were a lion trapped in

a cephalopod's body–waiting to strike.

Each tentacle, sharp as razor blades,

waiting to puncture an unsuspecting foe.

Who knows the true purpose of the frontlet?

Who knows when it was created?

Who knows how it was created?

Behold–the mystery of the golden octopus frontlet.

The author's comments:

Ekphrastic poem that was inspired by Gold Octopus Frontlet by the Moche people

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