My country home | Teen Ink

My country home

June 29, 2009
By sierra tucker SILVER, Farmersville, Texas
sierra tucker SILVER, Farmersville, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

The charming house upon the hill
With the rustic, old windmill,
The scent of Jasmine in the air
And in the garden, roses fair.
The bubbling brook goes on by
Like the clouds up in the sky.
The goats in pasture, soft and green
Oh, how lovely is this scene?

And now I stare up at the moon.
I hear the Nightingale softly croon.
I can see the stars so bright
For here there are no city lights.
Now I sit here and I ponder
How I am so free to wander.
Oh, how I love my country home
There I am so free to roam.

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