Untitled | Teen Ink

Untitled MAG

By Anonymous

Order another dessert
peach sherbet melts
with green frothy wraps
ofchitter-fried butter batter
in Michigan eateries
fuzzy soft like ediblevelvet
crushed to pulpy juices
staining teeth and sleeves
like clothnapkins in a closet dispenser
with metal sides distorting
the heap-onplatters
and single-serving coffee creams
in a reflection so scratchedalbum clean
it makes pepper flecked decor one to be hailed
dirty watermurky bleached
threadbare mops and starchy aprons under hair-net frowns
andcluttered kitchen squeezes
unregulated unsatisfactory
out of business ifthey cared
cigarette butts and condoms in
greasy-cornered employeeclosets
old fashioned trucker-code orders on spiny receipt racks
and nextups
hold your horses, charlie
table five drink spill on red-faced chubbyjowled
groaners with dented wallets
faded leather light feather
browncrust framing square swiper
lost business cards
if wife thinks a familyphoto lies within she is sadly
clean up aisle five
Mr. Bluelight special

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This article has 1 comment.

i love this so much!