At what point? | Teen Ink

At what point?

November 9, 2023
By ari_paige GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ari_paige GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I present, I am walking confidently 

A strong head on my shoulders

And a stride of upbeat steps

As I think, I'm stuck on what's behind

The thoughts running faster than time 

There looking, there looking, there looking

Just ignore, there behind you for a reason 

Repeat,Repeat, Repeat

But the wandering hatred becomes my biggest demon.

The wonder of the unknown feels like I'm crawling out of my skin

There are so many words, why would they all be about me

Why would I be their target? Am I everyones target? 

Why did that person look at me weird? Is there something on my face?

I don't see anything,did I look at them weird?

I wish I could see how I presented myself to other people at all times 

At what point does this stop?

At what point do I stop worrying about this?

At what point do I stop caring? 

The author's comments:

The inspiration of this piece came from the daily head space of a teenager in high school. Continually, people worry about their outlook on the others around them.  This piece portrays an insight on a young adult's head as they attend their daily routine.Everyday they walk through the same doors,halls and rooms just trying to get through their day peacefully and with bliss. But the second someone doesn't respond,validate or communicate, the thoughts come rushing into a panic.

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