Sense | Teen Ink


October 20, 2023
By Nikkojav14 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Nikkojav14 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments



I've experienced nature, wandered along the rugged shores of the Washington coast, layed on the snow capped rocky mountains, walked across the pristine white sand beaches of Palawan, and stood atop the majestic Grand Tetons alongside my father.

I've heard the rushing waters of the Wyoming rivers, creating a white peace like the feathers of a dove, the percussion of hail echoing off the mountains, the earth-shaking rumble of thunder as it traverses the valleys, the piercing call of an eagle slicing through the morning sunrise with the gentle rustle of grass in the wind, and the chorus, chirping and chatter of the birds in the Olympic forest. 

I've seen the cresting waves of the electric blue ocean, the serene gray of a misty sunrise with golden rays filtering through the trees, and the emerald green clearness of alpine lakes, glistening like newly cut jade in the morning sun. That same golden morning sun has cast its radiant light upon the mountain faces, rendering everything else in the world small and inconsequential in comparison. 

I've felt nature, the swift coldness of white rushing rapids, the beam of sunlight warming up the awakening world, the crunching of rock, snapping of branches, and the shift of sand underneath my feet as I've explored countless coastlines, picturesque peaks, and beautiful beaches.

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