Teens Find Fascinating Uncool Things | Teen Ink

Teens Find Fascinating Uncool Things

October 6, 2023
By mehar666 BRONZE, Lahore, Other
mehar666 BRONZE, Lahore, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I find it interesting that some teenagers think smoking and doing drugs are okay. Some even develop similar behaviors after being exposed to the impact of other drug users and drinkers. Our adolescent years, as I indicated, serve as the basis for our attitude, beliefs, and general personalities. Therefore, it's important how we spend our adolescent years. I advise you to be an atheist if you've made the decision to make some impolite celebrities your deity. Not everything of what we read or see online is accurate. Teenagers' brains are impressionable and easily swayed by any commonplace behavior in their environment. For children to grow up to be decent people, it is crucial that they be taught etiquette and discipline.


·        A long list of teens' negative attitudes


Online bullying


It's possible that a youngster was only pulling a joke if you received an erroneous or suspicious text from someone on social media. Teenagers act strangely to get attention. And they find enjoyment in these wrongdoings. Additionally, being a social media influencer as a teenager gives other teenagers a chance to make fun of you.



Dependency on drugs


Children are involved in the drug trade in many regions of the globe. Most likely, it's due to their addiction or their urgent need for large sums of money. In any case, it is wholly incorrect. It is unacceptable to support such behavior. The majority of youngsters are students, and because drugs impair memory, learning is also impaired.



Emotional Violence

Bullying of quiet, withdrawn students by a group of classmates is a constant in schools and other educational settings. Everyone wants to have power because it allows them to command respect and recognition. And these teenagers believe that source of power to be this vile abuse. It is foolish to attempt to psychologically impair someone just to be accused of maltreatment. Additionally, these youngsters say things that they know would harm a fragile child's psychological health and well-being.



Bullying defenseless people


Innocent children are individuals who make an effort to be polite and kind to everyone and who uphold certain principles. Most often, they are targeted by older pupils or other classmates who act in this way out of a superiority complex. Some of these people have suffered from emotional and bodily injury as a result of bullying, and some of them have even committed suicide.

Considering roasters to be god


As a job that has the potential to harm others, roasting is not funny to me. Many young people, in my opinion, are easily affected by the roasters and attempt to act similarly in real life, which might land them in hot water. I would advise such young people to minimize the kinds of information that might be detrimental to their mental health and to make moral judgements.



Horrific inhumanity


The image below depicts a group of teenagers engaging in inappropriate behavior that you should never do. It was taken during a heist in Brooklyn when a gang of kids beat up a 15-year-old girl and stole her trainers. Be compassionate, uphold humanitarian principles, and make an effort to show kindness to others around you.

The author's comments:

Adults are sometimes surprised by teens' infatuation with things that don't appear to be popular. Whether it's retro clothing, analogue photography, or old vinyl albums, this generation's enthusiasm for the outlandish is changing fashion. This pattern shows how adolescent interests are always changing and unexpected.

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