Watermelon (acrostic) | Teen Ink

Watermelon (acrostic)

June 30, 2023
By mandarincheesecake SILVER, Encino, California
mandarincheesecake SILVER, Encino, California
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Watermelon–a fruit crisp, and fresh

As an afternoon snack in the summer is best

Tell-tale dribbles down the chin

Eat, taste, and soak the delight in

Red when ripe, too pink and pale when not

Marvelous watermelon’s best when it’s hot

Everyone loves to munch on it

Leaves plates and chins smeared with spit

Of course, there are other great fruits as well

None, though, just quite as sweet and swell

The author's comments:

I like watermelons, and it's summer, so I wrote this acrostic.

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