All God's Creatures | Teen Ink

All God's Creatures

June 26, 2023
By Claire_Tang BRONZE, Princeton, New Jersey
Claire_Tang BRONZE, Princeton, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At night I dream that there is a 

Land where rats swallowed in glue and oil

Live in a field that is forever dry and spinning with suns of cheese. There, hunting


Guns don’t fire at the sound of a bird’s wings and black cats and pit bulls injected with euthanizing poison get an

Oasis blossoming with loving, accepting eyes and the 

Deer who never crossed the highway gets

Some kind of reunion with his doe-eyed mother. There, spiders


Cracked open with slippers against eggshell-painted walls go to a place where they can

Run on rainbows to spin clouds of silk and the

Elephants mutilated to carve ivory necklaces and chess sets are sent to

A tall grass field where they can dip their beautiful

Tusks in cool water and frolic in beaches with mud baths where 

Undulating oceans colorful with food hold sanctuary for 

Racks of hungry fish with lips pierced by silver hooks because it’s not fair I get to wake up with 

Every golden sunrise and I am

Sorry that they are killed for simply living

The author's comments:

I have always grown up around animals, and it's heartbreaking to observe the cruelty we subject them to. Species are going extinct at an exponential rate. Biodiversity is dwindling and we fuel the very destruction of Earth. Do the animals need to be saved from us? It shouldn't be this way for them to live. 

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