Summer of Our Lives | Teen Ink

Summer of Our Lives

May 23, 2023
By SmallMe BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
SmallMe BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the summer of our lives, we laid 
The four of us, beneath the shade 
Of palms upon a quiet shore 
Whose branches lazily were splayed 
The summer of our lives, no doubt 
The tide came in, and went back out 
As it would do forevermore 
And we’d stay here, us four, throughout 
The summer of our lives, so free 
The waves came in invitingly 
The siren’s song, scarce heard from shore 
Reduced our group from four, to three 
The summer of our lives, anew 
The waves yet beat, the trees yet grew 
And then one more took off for sea 
And left our troop of three with two 
The summer of our lives wore on 
The sun still set, and rose at dawn 
But now the days went slowly by 
We sat and wondered why they’d gone 
The summer of our lives, Act Three 
I looked at him, he looked to sea 
And then he left, and left but me 
Just one beneath the palms, lonely 

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