The Yellow Birds | Teen Ink

The Yellow Birds

May 11, 2023
By 4thusius SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4thusius SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The black sky engulfs them, but their colors are so vibrant.

Her feathers shine so beautiful and bright.

Every creature comes out to play at night.

Young and free in the blackness of the sky

Eager to play among the brightly colored plants.

Loving their lives.

Living their lives.

Observing each other as they do,

witnessing the mysteries of the night.

Beautiful birds frolicking in the moonlight,

imitating each other, but one sits upside down. 

Reaching his feet out onto the branches.

Daring to be different, he doesn’t conform to the others.

So free are they in the black spooky night.

The author's comments:

Influenced by Landscape with Yellow Birds

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