Moon Drops | Teen Ink

Moon Drops

May 11, 2023
By Onicka GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Onicka GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The quiet ambience of the beach,  conducted by a choir of lonely crickets and a baritone of father frogs. She knelt in somber, the cold touch of her fingers caressing her damp cheeks dappled with freckles. Her silver hair wisped whimsically in the midnight gust like sheets on an old clothesline.  

“What a pitiful existence; to be so lonely out here,” she whispered almost silently. 

The silver moon sat high above the ocean on her throne of comets and rings. Her glimmering tears, crafted from an ounce of stardust and a dash of tranquility, dropped from the sky nearing the ocean, falling, falling, falling…

But the abrupt splash in the ocean never came. Mid-air her tears sprouted golden wings and shook themselves free until the rest of their bodies grew into glowing, golden birds. They sang with each other in unity as their celestial beings finally arrived on Earth. Sparkles trailed their tail feathers like a cape of light. 

Before they flew away, they turned and waved the moon hello, kissed her cheek and sang gleefully as they saw her smile. 

The author's comments:

Inspiration taken from Paul Klee’s painting “LandScape With Yellow Birds”, Switzerland, 1923

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