A Recipe for Greatness | Teen Ink

A Recipe for Greatness

May 3, 2023
By hunterkeches SILVER, Torrance, California
hunterkeches SILVER, Torrance, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

1 cups of talent 

3 cups of commitment 

8 cups of drive and determination

10 cups of confidence

7 cups of others doubt

10 cups of hard work 

6 cups of a locked in mentality

5 cups of failure 

Directions: Mix, add 2 cups of anything, stir, taste, add another 2 cups, mix, taste, add the rest in, mix, let it cool for about 5-10 minutes, then succeed.

The author's comments:

This piece was written in my Creative Writing class as part of a free choice. This idea came from my desire to want to always be better and what may be required to achieve my ultimate goal.

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