A Place Called | Teen Ink

A Place Called

May 2, 2023
By AHSAbby GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSAbby GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

School starts at 8 am whether or not I’m there.

My mom expects me to get my siblings up and ready for school–

but I can’t do all that, I’m only eight years old.

Finally my mom walks in wasted after a late night,

but she doesn’t help me, she goes right to bed.

She wasn’t capable of providing the care and support we needed,

that I needed from her.

Her eight kids are sitting at home, school being missed again–

but that was the last strike no more days.

The court had declared her unfit as a mother,

which left her with no choice but to surrender her children.

Next week school was missed again–

this time it was different.

The police officers showed up at my home and told us they were “taking us for a ride”,

but ended up stripping me of my mother, my home, and my life.

I sat among my siblings in the back of a cop car,

wondering what was waiting for me. 

Relentless questions were floating through my mind.

Where are we going? What are we going to do?

My family was separated by age, some I never got to see until I was an adult.

Dreadful memories fill my mind of the place I was forced to call “home”.

The author's comments:

With lines from ‘‘Left in Limbo: For Some Families, Foster Care is the Right Choise” by Maro Enriquez and Bernice Beltran, A Pulitzer Center Reporting Project

Author’s Note: My grandpa growing up was put into foster care after his mother was deemed unfit because she never sent them to school. She expected him and his siblings to get up all by themselves and made no effort to help them at all. He was in and out of foster care most of his childhood and never liked it there. His siblings were separated and he never saw some of them again until he was an adult.

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