Innocent Until Proven Guilty | Teen Ink

Innocent Until Proven Guilty

May 2, 2023
By 4harrison3535 BRONZE, Lisbon, Wisconsin
4harrison3535 BRONZE, Lisbon, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Just two girls.   


Just one kiss. 


Fingers pointed, spotlight glaring, everyone-Everyone…is staring. 

The gavel is banged down, the sentence decided, and the corruption booms throughout the court echoing and echoing the same old words: “unnatural, detestable, confused, sinful, broken, guilty.”  

Cruel incarceration awaits the girls, isolation beyond compare, but as the guards named Righteousness and Purity snatch their wrists to tear them away from all they hoped they knew,  

The young cursed girls reach for one another, sobbing bloody tears and crying out: 


When did love become malfeasance? 

When did curiosity start brutally tearing the cats to shreds? 

When did beloved princesses turn to resented witches? 

When did the world’s eyes become so prying and deadly that souls had to run away to some secret haven just to hold hands in the street without fear?  

When did lonely loveless lovers find their kindled kisses wasted in the desert pitch dark corners of the places that were meant to be their homes? 

When did being human become so risky that those girls turned into runaways, refugees, impossible dreamers that only sought that feeling of coming home, where it’s nice and peaceful? 

When did two girls and one kiss become a crime scene?” 

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