Spirits | Teen Ink


May 1, 2023
By 4thusius SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4thusius SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Farmers are working day and night,

just barely getting by.

The farms just keep getting more extensive,

but who’s to take care of the small family-owned ones?

My family can’t do this much longer.

There’s barely enough anymore.

Other farms are taking over.

Yet nobody’s here to save us.

Wisconsin weather is getting pretty rough,

tornadoes tearing through the fields.

Tears are shed when all is done,

but spirits will stay high.

The weather is unbearable.

Our fields are getting destroyed.

I cry. I cry. I cry.

But I must keep my head held high.

Rebuilding might be an exorbitant option.

 Who wants to be the generation that loses the farm?

Perhaps it’ll be the next,

 certainly not you though.

Great Great Great grandpa's farm,

I can’t lose it. 

Maybe it’ll be my kids, or my grandkids

but certainly not me.


Millions of dollars of equipment

all that for what?

A fervid competition with everyone else.

what’s the purpose?

We spend so much money just to keep up.

And why do we do it?

Other people are so much better.

What could possibly be the reason?

The purpose is determination to do your best,

and keep your head held high

Nobody’s to say you’ll fail,

unless you never try. 

We will try until we have nothing left.

We will do our best.

We will not fail.

We will never stop trying.

The author's comments:

With lines from “New Generation of Wisconsin Dairy Farmers Look for a Future That Keeps Them On The Land, Following Their Passion” by Rick Barrett, a Pulitzer Center reporting project

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