Childhood Best Friend | Teen Ink

Childhood Best Friend

April 12, 2023
By EdelynMierow33 GOLD, Lisbon, Wisconsin
EdelynMierow33 GOLD, Lisbon, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Little Delilah and her best friend Penelope play outside. Delilah becomes thirsty. 

“Mama! Can we have two lemonades?” 

“Of course, sweetie,” the mother obliges. She brings out two glasses but knits her brows as she searches the yard. 

“Who is the second glass for, Delilah?” 

“For Penelope, obviously!”  

Mother shrugged. Delilah played. Penelope was imaginary. 

The author's comments:

This is a form of creative writing called 55 Fiction in which the author is challenged to write and tell a brief fictional story with only 55 words.

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