The Man In Blue | Teen Ink

The Man In Blue

December 10, 2022
By spegram3806 SILVER, Eagleville, Tennessee
spegram3806 SILVER, Eagleville, Tennessee
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was a handsome man in blue,

What he said always held true,

Except when it came to his wife.

She was a beautiful woman with an ideal life.

Her forehead high, skin like snow, and eyes like oak,

She seemed dumb to many folk,

Oh, but she knew.

She knew he wasn’t hers…the man in blue

He would tell her sweet lies before he lays with another,

She always knew because of her brother.

She would let him and everyone else think she was blind,

Little did they know she would let her crazy shine and finally not be kind.

As soon as the man in blue rode off to do his duties she began hers

She began with the woman in many furs

They all knew she was the wife,

And one by one she ended their life

Night by night one by one she would rip their souls away and bake them into his dinner..the man in blue,

She made sure to keep her smile back every time he would chew.

He never questioned the many disappearing until he saw what was in the shed,

Now the man in blue is in red.

The author's comments:

It is about cheating in the 1800’s

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