Showdown | Teen Ink

Showdown MAG

By Anonymous

Looking eye to eye,
I laughed in his face
If only you had two, I thought.
He gave a dumfounded glare back,
Poor monster had no idea
What was so funny to me.

Having only one source of sight
Was normal in his obscure world.
He thought he was perfect
But then again so did I.
We were both just a little curious
As to how we got there.

It wasn’t really important though
We both knew what had to happen.
Either he or I,
One or the other
Seconds flew by ticking rapidly
Heart rate floated above regular.

Finally the showdown began
One of our lives ended,
Lightning struck
Thunder pounded like drums.
What happened next was cloudy
I can only remember him walking away.

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This article has 1 comment.

i love this so much!