An Ode to Eyes | Teen Ink

An Ode to Eyes

November 6, 2022
By hunterkeches SILVER, Torrance, California
hunterkeches SILVER, Torrance, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eye see you

You help me see

You let me see different colors

Your cornea lets light enter

The only light in my world

When my cornea is too bright

You use your cones to dim them

When you don’t work well

I give you glasses and you let me see

When you feel heavy, I let you sleep

When you are itchy, I rub you

You help me see side to side

With your rods

Eyes, you have helped me so much

Eye cannot thank you enough

The author's comments:

I am a student at Port of Los Angeles High School and wrote this in my Creative Writing Class. This topic was given to me by another student and we were to create an ode based on the topic given to us.

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