Hair | Teen Ink

Hair MAG

By Anonymous

Let me give you my fine Asian hair
Watch intently
It will shine for you in the dark
It will dance in the oblique laughter of the fire,
Just like my dance for you
Prince of men, look ye at the richness of it!
Have you seen such beauty yet?
See how it will crash like the waves of the sea
And feel like the heavy silken robes I wear around my shoulders
I will give you this precious gift
It is glowing ebony and brilliant snow
Take care that you treasure it
Long after we part
Gaze as I unsheathe my jeweled dagger
And see the ripples of black fall
They fall onto a pillow of red velvet
And are tied by a golden cord
Catch the glimmer of the glass beads
Flirting to you as they are borne away
Listen to this empyrean night
And know what is in my heart

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i love this so much!