Thunder over Louisville | Teen Ink

Thunder over Louisville

April 28, 2022
By mallorymcdonnell GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
mallorymcdonnell GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Watching from the balcony,

I could see the mass of people growing

as the day wore on.

It was a perfect day for an event like this,

 with the blue sky that was void of

the puffy white clouds that usually surround the sun.

I startle,

almost dropping my food,

for there flying right over us

is a plane that can shoot straight into the sky

like a rocket ship.

While it goes up, I crane my neck to see it

as I carefully lean over the balcony,

when it reaches a high point

it starts to fall like a bird whose wings suddenly stopped working

we all collectively breath out a sigh of relief,

 when it flips and starts to fly again.

It’s dark out now,

we watch as the colorful drones fill the sky

as they make beautiful shapes.

The first firework goes off

in a blast of color

startling us out of our seats.

Others follow lead

and suddenly the sky is a rainbow of colors,

any color you can imagine fills the dark sky.

When it’s time for the Grand Finale,

the fireworks go off in sync.

One minute the sky is empty,

the next the sky is filled to the brim with colors,

as the fireworks go off more intensely

you can feel the vibration of them in your bones.

In a way it’s like you’re being shaken up in a bottle

that doesn’t stop until it knows that

it gave a good show.

The author's comments:

Me and my family went to Thunder Over Louisville and i decided to write a poem about it.

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