I miss you | Teen Ink

I miss you

June 3, 2009
By Amanda Dresser SILVER, Donald, Oregon
Amanda Dresser SILVER, Donald, Oregon
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sit and stare out the window.
I am thinking about you.
The rain is pounding hard.
And the thunder is crackling.
I am getting flashbacks of the night.
The night we got hit by a car.
I wish this didn’t happen.
I see your face in the rain.
It looks like your saying “I’m sorry.”
Sorry that you’re gone?
That’s not your fault; only the idiots who hit us.
Now I am trying to sleep.
But the thunder is talking to me. I think it may be you.
If it is I want to say how much I miss you.
And that you were my best friend. And also my husband.
So now its morning and I’m taking care of our kids.
They think you’re on vacation. Well basically you are; but forever.
I will tell them soon.
But for now I won’t.
They say they miss you and can’t wait till you get back.
I love you.

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