Ode To Soccer | Teen Ink

Ode To Soccer

February 17, 2022
By SIUUUUUUUUUUU BRONZE, Sacramento, California
SIUUUUUUUUUUU BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Soccer, a sport is how people see it 

but for me it's my life. The feeling of stepping on a field alone gives me a feeling of nostalgia telling me that this is what I do, That this is my life. Playing on a team with a bunch of strangers and getting to know them for a common goal to win, to show what you can do in a place that you never thought you would be in.

In my middle school team I had a lot of emotions, happy, sad, and anger, winning all the games except two and getting to the semi finals and losing 1-0 in the last minute. I was crying when we lost knowing that I would play next year again cheered me up.

In my 7th grade soccer year I thought we would win for sure but then disaster struck and a worldwide disease spread everywhere and stopped school and soccer. 

I was sad, my only happiness gone in an instant. 2 years in quarantine changed me and started a new step in soccer for me 

when over time to train. 

The author's comments:

I love playing soccer and am trying to make it profesional some how and its all a matter of time for me

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