From another Planet | Teen Ink

From another Planet

June 2, 2009
By bubblylittledancer PLATINUM, Waterloo, Iowa
bubblylittledancer PLATINUM, Waterloo, Iowa
30 articles 0 photos 22 comments

A venture to a farr-off place,
Created just for me,
As I creep along this road,
I know it's only me.

I'm all alone,
For they stand away,
A sigh passes by my lips,
Here comes another day.

It's like I'm from another planet,
Something strange, not normal,
Maybe I'm an alien,
Come to earth by fall.

I want to be like them,
It's so hard, can't you see?
I want to be like them,
But they don't want to be like me.

It's like I'm from another planet,
But I'm far from novelty,
So I'll venture for my far-off place,
Created just for me.

It's like I'm from another planet,
A fallen star,
A missing home.
Another planet is missing me,
So to my planet I wish to roam.

It's like I'm from another planet...


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