Awareness Poems | Teen Ink

Awareness Poems

April 19, 2021
By makayladrake BRONZE, Versailles, Kentucky
makayladrake BRONZE, Versailles, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dejection (Depression)

It told me I was lost

Whispers in my ear telling me it would leave at a certain cost

I would just sigh

Sleeping was a way to hide 

It dragged me down, inch by inch

My fists staying clenched 

It had control over what I did

It had control over what I said

In the blink of an eye

It managed to take over my life.


Bruises (Abuse) 

Longsleeves, sweatpants, makeup

Used to hide the pain

The fear of messing up


Over and over again.


No (Sexual abuse)

I said no

They walked towards me anyways

I said no

They kissed me anyways

I said no 

They touched me anyways

I cried no

They did it anyways


Empty (Having no friends) 

Empty seats all around

Voices in the background

If only the seats were filled 

Then tea could be spilled

I walk these halls alone

Because I am not known

I try to be friendly

Yet they roll their eyes at me

I sit there and think

Maybe somethings wrong with me


Opressor (Bullying) 

Dear Bully, 

You broke me

Made me feel alone

Had everyone laugh at me

You had control,

I cried in my room 

Because of you

Which you can assume 

That's why I don't go to school

I am broken and sad

You don't even feel bad

Maybe if I was just gone 

You would be glad. 


Better (Insecurities)

'Why dont I look like her?'

I am invisible 

Yet she's irresistible

She's perfect,




Her clothing fits just right 

Mines too tight

Her hair falls in place perfectly

Not even purposely

Her smile shines

Mine inclines

If only I was her

I can only wish forever more...


Once (Peer pressure/drug and alcohol abuse)

Do it once they said

Excuses made

"Maybe later"

Later came 

"You said you would do it"

They asked again

I don't want to

'You are lame'

Rang in my head

Over and over again

"I'll do it once"

But then it came to be

I'd be doing it for centuries. 

The author's comments:

I decided to create a list of poems to bring awareness to the struggles that teens like me are facing around the world. These poems include the following topics:

* Depression

* Abuse

* Sexual Abuse

* The feeling of having no friends

* Bullying

* Insecurities

* Peer pressure/drug and alcohol abuse

My goal is to bring awareness to these situations that are typically overlooked and to let people around the world know they are no alone. 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 20 2021 at 2:47 pm
SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
200 articles 23 photos 1053 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It Will Be Good." (complicated semi-spiritual emotional story.)<br /> <br /> "Upon his bench the pieces lay<br /> As if an artwork on display<br /> Of gears and hands<br /> And wire-thin bands<br /> That glisten in dim candle play." -Janice T., Clockwork[love that poem, dont know why, im not steampunk]

having nofreinds could be titled more concisly as lonly or lonlyness