Life Is Beautiful; A Palindrome Poem | Teen Ink

Life Is Beautiful; A Palindrome Poem MAG

April 12, 2021
By AnonymousWolf BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
AnonymousWolf BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is not beautiful.
And nobody can make me believe that
Life has a purpose.
“Life is ugly and just hurts you in the end.”
I do not believe in statements people make, claiming that
Life is worth living and good things come from it.
It is not true.
“There is absolutely nothing good in life that is worth living for.”
And you can not make me believe that
Things will change.

Now reverse it:

Things will change.
And you can not make me believe that
"There is absolutely nothing good in life that is worth living for."
It is not true.
Life is worth living and good things come from it.
I do not believe in statements people make, claiming that
"Life is ugly and just hurts you in the end."
Life has a purpose.
And nobody can make me believe that
Life is not beautiful.

The author's comments:

Sometimes life may be difficult, and you may think there is no good reason for it. But you should never give up. Things may be hard, but things will get better. That is a promise. And remember, you are not alone. There is someone out there going through the same as you, and I know for a fact you are strong enough to make it.

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