In My Fairytale World | Teen Ink

In My Fairytale World

May 24, 2009
By KatieJean GOLD, Dunkirk, New York
KatieJean GOLD, Dunkirk, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One day, I watched the sun set.
One night, I watched the sun rise.
Once, I watched a fish fly,
while the birds swam through coral reefs.
I watched the grass turn blue,
as the sky turned green.
I saw a child splash in snow puddles,
and another make a rainman.

The clouds were bright and shining,
the sun was gray.
Then I looked at planet Pluto;
the rest weren’t planets anymore.
Once, wars were unheard of,
and peace was all we knew.
But one night, the sun set.
And when morning came, the sun rose.
Things went back to normal.
What a shame.

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