December 23, 2020
By Mardav18 SILVER, Raigarh, Other
Mardav18 SILVER, Raigarh, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

India - the birthplace of all languages,
The divine land of saints and sages.
The land which sparkles gem,
With this thought, no one will condemn.

Here, the likes of Mahtama Gandhi were born,
Yet, in corruption we all mourn.
This is the land of Aryabhatta the great,
Yet, we save illiteracy to some extent in our fate.

Sukhdev, Rajguru, Azad sacrificed their lives for us,
Reluctant in attending school, we create a ruckus.
This is the land of Rani Lakshmi Bai the brave,
Unlike us who for absurd fantasies, we all crave.

On this soil, Nehru led the way,
And with mobiles in our hands, commences our day.
Here, Tagore's mind is without fear,
And we have stress and failure which we can't bear.

The soil of MAHAVIRA the conquerer,
What has happened to our language; so rough and vulgar.
Its the birthplace of Buddha the enlightened,
But to stand for the truth, why are we frightened?

Though, some youth are taking up the responsibility,
And making the nation progress to the best of their ability.
Hence, it isn't surprising how far we have excelled,
As every talent, we all have weld.

India has made its mark in every field,
Its all our hardwork, integrity and dedication's yield.
Many Indians abroad have earned fame,
By just reflecting the nation's name.

Our Indian soldiers also deserve a huge credit,
Thet are a huge factor for all our merit.
Because of them, we can live in peace,
While, they are clueless when their live scan cease.

A salute to every forgotten and unsung warrior,
Who between our safety and destruction astes as a barrier.
They all deserve a lot more,
Lets all let our well wishes and blessings pour.

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