December 23, 2020
By Mardav18 SILVER, Raigarh, Other
Mardav18 SILVER, Raigarh, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When the world is against you,
And your close ones betray you too.
No one lends ears to your pain,
You feel life is all vain.

Then, self belief is the key,
Just think it's all upto me.
Shed away all your anguish and sorrows,
Because there is always a tomorrow.

This time will also pass,
Start targeting goals with your compass.
Failure is a part of success,
Start ticking the empty boxes.

It won't all happen at one go,
Overcome from what happened ago.
Always be focused towards your goal,
Cos at every point, there will be holes and poles.

To dodge the poles you must learn,
And leaping the holes is all fun.
Stay patient, inspired and motivated throughout,
Reaching the goal is all it's about.

Think Its now or never,
People celebrating your failure will always hover.
In their mocking you give damn a care,
Here, be the turtle not the hare.

Slow and steady wins the contest,
Or you will fall prey to someone's prey,
Sometimes throwbacks will occur,
But turn then into opportunity maker.

Sometimes you will think you are there,
And many fail by thinking this mere.
Tuck the good balls for singles,
And with the bad ones you mingle.

With every passing day,
Introspect your commitments today.
Look forward to your elders and yearn,
To share their experiences for you to learn.

Beating hardships, you will be at the finishing line,
You start thinking it's time to dine.
And you finally reach your goal,
After leaping and dodging the holes and poles.

After success, don't hover high,
Which let's success bid goodbye.
Remember, this time will also pass,
Dont loose track of your compass.

The author's comments:

Hey, I am Mardav J! A piece of work to keep you motivated every time your shoulders drop and you lose self belief! CHEERS!

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