The Expected Tragedy | Teen Ink

The Expected Tragedy

January 15, 2020
By taylamcdonald BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
taylamcdonald BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wildfires are a part of the natural rhythms of Australia’s environment

but scientists haven’t seen anything like this before.

12 million acres scorched 

100 blazes still active

the season has yet to reach its peak.

It’s really shocking 

and really horrible.

I hate to say “I told you so,” 

climate scientists have been warning about this for a very long time

“We knew it was going to happen.”

These earlier-than-usual blazes could portend a worrisome trend 

that is echoed around the world.

This is one of those big concerns 

with climate change, 

that these fires are going to continue to be an issue.

Scientists are estimating that more than half a billion animals 

have already died in the fires.

human activities had already taken a toll on many species;

entire species or subspecies will be wiped out

natural habitats are being permanently altered.

“We’re all adapted to a certain amount of disturbance. 

I can get a certain number of colds per year 

and be OK, 

but if I’m sick for eight months in a row, 

that’s really going to wear on me. 

That’s the same thing with an ecosystem.”

Australian wildfires rage on as another state declares disaster.

The author's comments:

A newspoem about the devastating reality of the Austrailia Wildfires.

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